Hype Brush




Hype Brush is the toothbrush that cleans your teeth, and a refreshing planet. Our products are ecofriendly to the environment when they are disposed of. The hype brush is made from bamboo, which is biodegradable and healthy for our environment. It comes with charcoal bristles to give an extra healthy cleaning teeth and gums. Not only that, our Hype Brush aims for a better future, not only to own the planet, but also to save the air that we breathe, the dirt that we walk, and the water that we drink. Paste, Brush, Rinse and Repeat. Live another day with Hype Brush.

Benefits of owning a bamboo toothbrush 

The bamboo toothbrush helps reduce the plastic toothbrushes damaging our environment due to the process of the plastic toothbrush using petroleum, a highly material that needs a lot of energy to be made, and in fact it is non-biodegradable like the bamboo toothbrush. Not only that, the bamboo helps reduce bacteria on your brush, helping eliminate harmful bacteria on it. This bamboo provides long-lasting protection for your teeth and gums.